Legacy for the Future
The majority of our historical collection has been donated by individuals. If you have photographs, maps, documents, advertising materials or artifacts representing Long Beach that you would like to see preserved for future generations, we welcome your donation. If you belong to an organization in Long Beach that has collected documents and artifacts during its tenure, we would love to be the permanent repository for your files. Collections from the Civic Light Opera, American Association of University Women, the LBGTQ Center, and the Law Auxiliary for example are housed at the HSLB. The benefit of donating your items to us is proper preservation. Historical collections are stored in archival materials including acid-free boxes and folders. We maintain a climate-controlled environment to ensure the collection is not subject to great fluctuations in temperature or significant humidity. We take our preservation responsibilities seriously and welcome the opportunity to add your items to our archive. We encourage financial contributions to help support collections along with historical materials.

Leave a legacy for the future, leave your mark on history, by contributing your historical materials.